How the World's smallest
Transistor works


Our innovative Transistor works
completely without Semiconductors

Two tiny, opposing metal contacts are applied to a substrate, with a 50 to 100 nm wide gap between them. Such a structure can be easily produced using conventional methods.


This Gap offers Space for
exactly one single Atom

While the transistor could initially only be realized with a liquid electrolyte, silver is now deposited galvanically from a solid electrolyte (the so-called “gate”) until the two opposing metal contacts (“source” and “drain”) touch at a single silver atom.


Targeted Switching with the
Help of a single Atom

This contacting silver atom can now be switched back and forth between two defined positions in order to specifically open or close the circuit. The prerequisite for this is atomic bistability (two defined positions, “open” and “closed”), which can be created using the separate and independent gate electrode.


The Gate Electrode works
like a tiny Light Switch

This gate electrode can interrupt or close the circuit between the two contacts using a tiny control pulse, just as a light switch can switch the light on or off. This is the first time that the function of a transistor has been realized on an atomic scale, thus reaching the fundamental limit of miniaturization, the single atom.


A revolutionary Technology,
that will change our Lives forever

The single atom transistor enables switching energies that are a factor of 10,000 lower than conventional silicon technologies. This means that the energy required by a single computer could power 10,000 computers with our technology. This would instantly solve the enormous energy problem of information technology.
Ready to change
the world?